Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fishbone Changed My Life

Everyone has their influences.  Not everyone, however, has gasoline that ignites the fires of their passion.  Fishbone was the gasoline to the fire of my music.  It started when I was in high school.  I remember the first time I experienced Fishbone.  I think I heard them first: bold, unapologetic, musically catchy -- something I felt.  Then I saw them -- they all looked like me.  They were singing my language.  Since Jimi, I hadn't experienced African-Americans making music like this.  I never felt my soul, my voice, where I belonged, until Fishbone let me know that my voice had a home.  They lit the match.  Now I'm here.  Now I'm home.  They told me to come in.  And I've been home ever since...

Here's Angelo Moore (frontman from Fishbone) and me talking about him and I making music together:

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