Friday, April 22, 2011

Coffee and Cake! An Introduction To Alan Booth

Music is the universal language that brings people together, even when that universe is the distance between Hollywood and England.  I met Alan Booth on Myspace many moons ago.   We had an instant musical connection. He remixed my song "Bang" and turned it into an electromanaical craze I never imagined could be possible ... It's interesting how others hear your voice and can utilize sound to manipulate expressions and weave that into this wonderful expression we call Music. This is what Alan has done to my voice.  He turned it into a instrument and we created connected, psychedelic Music -- without ever meeting in the in the flesh!

Alan, and my love for crumpets, are my biggest inspirations to get to London.  I want to explore Music there, and I want to sit with my friend and have Coffee and Cake.  Coffee and Cake...  we have this quiet communication of using Coffee and Cake as a means of getting me there and him here to the Americas. He started sending me tracks...  tracks I would write to and record vocals.  I'd send him the mp3's and then he would put his magic into it.  The results have been magical.

One of the reasons I love working with Alan is his Music allows me to be free and experimental. The electro impulses and the energy of Punk gives me room to be violently expressive and politically conscious while simultaneously touching topics that others may find taboo.  I get to be dirty and vocally explosive feeling every emotion.  The music we are making is different from what I created in the past.  With Alan's interpretations, there is little use for guitar and the beats make me wanna wildly dance and stand for something powerful.....turning noise into magical sounds of light and rhythm.....not intended for the meek and shy....aggressive and explicit lyrics that may inspire a Rebellion.

Practice Prison coming soon!!!!!

Coffee and cake

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Somebody Beautiful~

I was driving in my car listening to the rough mix of my song 'Somebody Beautiful" and I was struck with intense emotion....I wrote the song in memory of my Mothers suicide with guitarist Dave James and it was the first time I was able to identify with her Ghost.....and dance with it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My dam Bones~

I am tired of dying~~~~
This life death life cycle can be draining....
but nevertheless a Wise one knows when it is time to Hunt, kill and even Die....
for there is not really a death but a renewel of life that begins again and again...

I am at a death now....the dying of ego...fear...guilt and all self defeating programs I have once submitted to~
The part of me that allows my creative and Magical self to be compromised must Die now!
I have seen my flesh fly away like a thousand ravens screaming as I become dry like Bones~
....but what will become of these bones if I dont attend to them...I must breathe a new life onto them....gather my bones up from this death and dance wildly into a new life.......

The truth is.....i'm bored
need a new sting....a creative jolt.....something to give birth to.....

aaaaaaaaaarrrgh!!!!  This Music inside of me is kicking up a storm and the birth is long over due~
I have been distracted by life's shit and forgot the reason I chose to fly down here upon this earth in the first place..... I need an enema to shit out all this fear......I need to growl.....I need to howl....I need to run to the woods and find a sacred tree where the Red Eagle Nest and give birth to myself......push....push.....push out
this electric and powerful spirit that has been haunting me like a ghost....ahhhhhhhh!  at last will I breath a soul into this host.....flesh upon flesh.....bones to will you run like a bitch or would you stand to kiss the witch.....I know I am ugly when I am bones they rattle like sssssssssSnakes when dying.....

Friday, January 21, 2011

Holly Port Shoot: Sneak Preview

I'm really excited.  Re-known photographer Holly Port captured images of me adorned in black paint.  The images shall be coming soon lovers.  Stay tuned.  Until then, here's a sneak peek:

Thank you

I am so honored to be adorned with such fierce and magical Goddesses in my life~
This shoot was so symbolic and spiritual for me. I allowed myself to fly free and channel the mysterious energies from the Great Grandmother earth~~~ To be as Black as the Earth, unleashed a raw and powerful spirit within me, I felt like a Queen to be so grounded in the magic of the Earth mother and to receive the high blessings from the great Red Eagles soaring high above us~~~~ 
This new music I am writing is about pure,unapologetically honesty and this shoot amazingly captured that vibration.