I am tired of dying~~~~
This life death life cycle can be draining....
but nevertheless a Wise one knows when it is time to Hunt, kill and even Die....
for there is not really a death but a renewel of life that begins again and again...
I am at a death now....the dying of ego...fear...guilt and all self defeating programs I have once submitted to~
The part of me that allows my creative and Magical self to be compromised must Die now!
I have seen my flesh fly away like a thousand ravens screaming as I become dry like Bones~
....but what will become of these bones if I dont attend to them...I must breathe a new life onto them....gather my bones up from this death and dance wildly into a new life.......
The truth is.....i'm bored
need a new sting....a creative jolt.....something to give birth to.....
aaaaaaaaaarrrgh!!!! This Music inside of me is kicking up a storm and the birth is long over due~
I have been distracted by life's shit and forgot the reason I chose to fly down here upon this earth in the first place..... I need an enema to shit out all this fear......I need to growl.....I need to howl....I need to run to the woods and find a sacred tree where the Red Eagle Nest and give birth to myself......push....push.....push out
this electric and powerful spirit that has been haunting me like a ghost....ahhhhhhhh! at last will I breath a soul into this host.....flesh upon flesh.....bones to bones.....now will you run like a bitch or would you stand to kiss the witch.....I know I am ugly when I am crying.....my bones they rattle like sssssssssSnakes when dying.....